Mon plus beau Noel

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Mon plus beau Noel

Contributor: Steven Fawkes

Language of text: French
Type of text: Song lyric
Author or source: Johnny Hallyday
Intended age of students: Key Stage 3/4
Source reference: Chanté en direct :


Tu es mon plus beau Noël,
Celui que je n'ai jamais eu;
Tu es l'amour, la vie, et le soleil,
Ce à quoi je ne croyais plus.

Tu es mon plus beau Noël,
Celui que je n'attendais pas,
Ce merveilleux cadeau tombé du ciel,
Celui dont rêvent tous les papas.

Il y a tellement de choses
Que j'aimerais te raconter
Pour te donner la force,
Le courage de tout affronter.

Si je peux te transmettre
Ce formidable goût d'aimer,
De tous les hommes je serai
Le plus heureux,
Le plus comblé.

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I found this as a mark of the season and of the passing of a man whose name I have known since before my first encounter with France, but whose work I never really explored.

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I enjoy the clarity of his voice on this and the pace is good for access by language learners; the lyrics are full of sentiment and some lines are worthy of reading / translating / interpreting for their grammatical points of note :
Superlative form
Ce que
Mixture of tenses
Mixture of pronouns
The rhymes also have some interest.



Topics or themes:

Superlative form
Ce que
Mixture of tenses
Mixture of pronouns


How much time required:
15 mins?

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