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T'choupi cherche les œufs de Pâques
Contributor: Nathalie Paris
Language of text: French
Type of text: Other
Author or source: Thierry Courtin, chez Nathan
Intended age of students: Key Stage 1/2
Source reference: 9782092574287
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This is the story of T'choupi who is going out in his grandparents' garden on Easter morning, as per the French tradition, to collect some Easter eggs.
There is now a Nathan Live app, which means you can scan the book cover and listen to T'choupi books like this one being read, which is great if your are unsure about the pronunciation of any words, or as an extra resource to listen to with the children.
I will read the story all the way through and ask the children to listen and look at the illustrations to try to work out what is happening. If your children need more to keep them busy as they are listening to the short story, you could agree with them an action to do every time they hear the name "T'choupi".
I will then introduce the key vocabulary, the nouns 1st (see resource on my website), and will agree more actions for the children to do when they hear the key words. Then I will do the action when the key words come and they will say the words! You can choose how many key words you want to play with at a time. You may want to practise them with another activity 1st.
As a listening task, the children could keep a tally of the number of times they hear certain key words too, like the French for eggs or find. In my resource, there are some key verbs as well as key nouns.
I want to use this story because T'choupi is a likeable character that the children can relate to, and in this instance it teaches them about a French tradition on Easter Sunday as well as some new vocabulary.
They will know about Easter in France, they will have practised their listening skills, and they will know new words or will have recognised known words in context.
Topics or themes:
Easter vocabulary; cultural traditions at Easter
-er verbs
How much time required:
1 lesson