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Voeux de bonne annee
Contributor: Steven Fawkes
Language of text: French
Type of text: Letter
Author or source: Anon
Intended age of students: Key Stage 2/3
Source reference: Text is attached
This is an authentic email I received for New Year 2014
Attached files:
Je vous souhaite une année 2014 pleine d'amour, de ciel bleu, de bonnes nouvelles, d'inattendus, de places de parking libres, de glace à la vanille aux noix de macadamia,
de rêves, de sensations fortes, de grasses matinées, de bonnes intentions de gadgets de levers de soleil, d'inconnus qui vous veulent du bien,
de petits riens, de chaussettes propres, de patience, d'after eight, de clins d'œil, de bons sentiments, de requins sans dents et ... de jours heureux
File name | File type | Size | |
Je vous souhaite.doc | Composite Document File V2 Document | 24.5 kB | Info |
The text is very long and I would begin with a section of it such as the extract. I would insert line breaks (and possibly numbers).
i Identify what sort of email it is
ii Identify it is a list
ii In pairs work out what any of the items in the list are
iii Feedback to whole class
iv Observe the items nobody knew and draw out understanding
v Look at the whole text for impact
vi Creative writing - invent a similar list in French for next year for a particular person with one item per month
Random items of vocabulary from different 'topic' areas gives reminders of the extent of language
Developing skills of reading unknown unpredictable text
Creative writing with personal ideas and language
Reading strategies
Personal writing
Enhance vocabulary
Topics or themes:
At New Year!
Adjectives, modifiers, agreements
How much time required:
1 lesson?